You never know who or what you'll see in NYC

Yesterday morning when I was walking to work, I spotted a movie being filmed by Tower Records on East 4th Street and Broadway. It's a new Will Smith movie apparently. So far I didn't get to see Mr. Getting-Jiggy-With-It...but I am hoping! It was set up again today so I will run out on my lunch hour for a peek.
Then last night I went to the LIFEbeat volunteer Appreciation Party at The Cutting Room (owned by Mr. Big himself Chris Noth - didn't see him either - darn it!) but he does have a huge photo of himself on the wall along with a bunch of rock legends. Too funny! I did run into him once on University Place. He held a door open for me. Very sweet.

By the way, at the LIFEbeat party, I was awarded for being an outstanding volunteer. And I also won a raffle prize of two tickets to a fashion show during Fashion Week in Feb. I hope it will be for a designer that I like.

Then it was off to grab a bite at Cafeteria. I ended up sitting next to Eva Pigford. A gal who won America's Next Top Model a couple of years ago. I don't watch that reality show but I did recognize her. She's gorgeous.

And finally I ended up at a CD release party for the new Killers album at Manor. Thanks to my buddy Tom from L magazine for getting me in past the line-up of about 200 people at the door! It was fun and I spotted Jeffrey Sebelia from this current season of Project Runway. I just recently started watching that show a couple of episodes ago. It's actually a decent reality show. (Although I don't believe any of reality shows are real. They're all scripted.) Anyway, Jeffrey was rocking out to the new Killers album that was blasting at Manor. Not sure if any other C-listers showed up as I left just after midnight.
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