I am back from a fabulous trip to Iceland!!!
More to follow on that...but I had to quickly mention that my HIGHLIGHT of the trip was going to the famous BLUE LAGOON...which two of my fave bands went to in 2005 - FOO FIGHTERS and QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE!!
This is from the Blue Lagoon website:

This is from the Blue Lagoon website:
July 2005
Rock bands visit BLUE LAGOON - Geothermal Spa
Foo Fighters visited BLUE LAGOON – Geothermal Spa along with Queens of the Stone Age on July 4. The bands will give a concert in Reykjavík on July 5. This is the second time Foo Fighters visit Iceland but they have stated that they like everything Iceland has to offer, especially BLUE LAGOON – Geothermal Spa. The band brought their families as well and used the day off to visit the geothermal spa and other interesting places.

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