Not could begin and end in one evening...

My friend Sophie and I went to see Feist play the other night at Webster Hall. Fellow Arts & Crafts label mate Jason Collett opened. It was a magical show. While Sophie and I had to wait outside for Jason to come get us and get into the show, (massive guest list problems!!) we spotted Norah Jones on her way into the show. She's a massive Feist fan. In fact, Feist introduced me to her at the May 2004 Bowery Ballroom show. Norah actually smiled at Sophie on her way in. She's a tiny little thing and very pretty.
Feist did many songs from her album "Let It Die" including my faves "One Evening", "Inside and Out" and "Gatekeeper". She was super charming and talkative with the crowd. I'm so glad that her album has finally taken off in the U.S. She deseres it!
She was the guest on MTV2's Subterranean the other night. And they played the US version of "Mushaboom" which is fabulous. Feist flys!!!!
Check it out here
The evening was long
My guesses were true
You saw me see you
That something you said
The timing was right
The pleasure was mine
The time and the place
The look on your face
Sincerest of eyes
If you're ready or not
The state of our hearts
There's no time to take
When we started
Both brokenhearted
Not believing
It could begin and end in one evening
We were caught by the light
Held on the day
'Till it became hours
The minutes went by
The cab is outside
There's no time to take
When we parted
Moving on
And believing
It could begin and end in one evening
When we started both brokenhearted
Not believing
It could begin and end in one evening
When we parted
Moving on
And believing
It could begin and end in one evening
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